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Frequently asked Questions

Traveling with Pets

We know how important your pets are to you, which is why we strive to make your travel with your furry friends as comfortable as possible. Fly Arna accepts domesticated dogs and cats in cabin only provided that the animal is in good health and all transport requirements are met.

Pet should weight 8kg maximum with the container. A closed-type container should be used. The container must be big enough for the animal to stand in a natural position. Containers made of both hard and soft materials are acceptable. The container should have ventilation openings for air to flow inside and inside bottom surface should be covered by absorbent diaper. The dimensions (length, width, and height) of container should not exceed 40x40x25cm.  

Please, note that we are not accepting animals under 12 weeks of age and pregnant cats and dogs.  

There are also limits on including more than one pet per container. For your pet’s well-being, Fly Arna reserves the right to refuse the transport of your pet if we find the container doesn’t meet company requirements.

According to travel regulations the pet service can be booked at least 24 hours before your scheduled departure time through Fly Arna Call Centre and Sales Offices. To find the most convenient sales office, please follow the link. Please, make sure to have all necessary documentation for your pet before travel. Documents include their health certificate (signed by your veterinarian, indicating that the animal is fit to fly) and identification or pet passport. Please check rules for arrival country for pets before your trip.


Fly Arna reserves the right to confirm or refuse Pet service request.  

Pets are transported at a special rate of USD 70. Payment should be made in advance through Fly Arna Call Centre and Sales Offices. We recommend you approach the check-in desk at least 3 hours before your scheduled departure.  

Present the animal, the container, signed live animal self-declaration form, the authorization to transport the animal, and the health certificate at the check-in desk. An airline employee will verify the information provided in the pet's request for transportation.  

Reasons for refusing transportation.

Your request for transporting your pet in passenger cabin may be refused for the following reasons:

  • The quota for pets transported on the flight has been filled;  
  • Your pet’s weight with the pet carrier and/or its dimensions exceed those determined by the airline for transit in the passenger cabin;  
  • A prohibition or restriction on the import/export of animals in accordance with the laws of the country from, to or via which transport is planned is in effect;

Refuse at the time of check-in at the airport is possible for the following reasons:  

  • The transportation of your pet has not been approved in advance or confirmed;
  • The pet container does not meet Fly Arna’s requirements for a pet transport container;
  • No pet passport bearing a note of your pet’s examination by a state veterinarian or the necessary accompanying veterinary documents are present;
  • Your pet’s transportation has not been paid for in accordance with the approved fare;
  • Your pet demonstrates unmotivated aggression towards those around it;